Adherence 2017 is sponsored by the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care (IAPAC). The conference's Co-Chairs are K. Rivet Amico, PhD (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA) and Michael J. Mugavero, MD, MHSc (University of Alabama at Birmingham, AL, USA). The conference Track Chairs are Thomas P. Giordano, MD, MPH (Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA); Jean-Jacques Parienti, MD, PhD (Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Caen, Caen, France); and Jane M. Simoni, PhD (University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA).
Following are conference presentations. The conference organizers request that any use of these presentations should include citations to both their presenting authors and relevant conference information (e.g., 12th International Conference on HIV Treatment and Prevention Adherence, June 4-6, 2017, Miami).
Adherence 2017 is made possible through educational grants from Gilead Sciences, Janssen Pharmaceuticals, and Merck & Co., as well as sponsorship support from ViiV Healthcare.
SUNDAY, June 4, 2017
PRE-CONFERENCE 1: Measuring HIV Care Continua - Re-Examining the Basics of Monitoring the AIDS Response
Moderator: Nikos Dedes
Discussants: Bruce Agins Presentation
Reuben Granich Presentation
Irene Hall Presentation
Ana Roberta Pati Pascom Presentation
Sarah Rowan Presentation
Gretchen Weiss Presentation
PRE-CONFERENCE 2: Improving the HIV Youth Prevention and Care Continuums: The New Adolescent Medicine Trials Network for HIV/AIDS Interventions
Introduction to ATN 4 and Cascades
Patrick Sullivan
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus
Lisa Hightow-Weidman
Scale It Up
Sylvie Naar-King and Jeffrey Parsons
Individual Projects (Original and New from RFP)
Sonia Lee
Questions and Discussion
Sylvie Naar-King
K. Rivet Amico and Michael Mugavero
PLENARY ADDRESS: Fast-Tracking the AIDS Response - Are We on Track?
César Núñez
KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Network Approaches to Eliminating New HIV Transmission
John Schneider
PANEL DISCUSSION: Leaving No One Behind - Protecting Affected Communities from Shifting Political Winds
Moderator: Robert Remien
Panelists: Nikos Dedes
Arianna Lint
Greg Millett
163 – Short Message Service (SMS) reminders improve patient on-time pill pick-up of their antiretroviral medicines in Namibia
Samson Mwinga
220 – Effects of a real-time reminder intervention on retention in HIV treatment among pregnant and postpartum women in a low-resource setting: The Uganda WiseMama
Lora Sabin
275 – SMS Support Increases PrEP Retention and Adherence among Young MSM and Transgender Women in Chicago
Albert Liu
MONDAY, June 5, 2017
BREAKFAST WORKSHOP 1: Actioning the Data for Real-World Application - Experiences, Challenges, and Opportunities
Bruce Agins Presentations
PLENARY ADDRESS: Why Are There Still Such Large Gaps in Coverage in the Test and Treat Era?
Mark Nelson
GARY S. REITER, MD, AND ANDREW KAPLAN, MD, MEMORIAL LECTURE: Implemenation Science - Translating the Evidence into Accelerated Action for HIV Epidemic Control
Ambassador Deborah L. Birx
PANEL DISCUSSION: Actioning the Evidence - Thinking Globally, Acting Locally to Accelerate/Focus the AIDS Response
Moderator: K. Rivet Amico
Panelists: Bruce Agins Presentation
Michael Mugavero Presentation
Leanne Savola Presentation
PANEL DISCUSSION: Implementation Science in Action - Fast-Tracking the AIDS Response in High HIV Burden Cities
Moderators: César Núñez
José M. Zuniga
Panelists: Dázon Dixon Diallo
Jorge Garrido Presentation
Michael Mugavero
Ana Roberta Pati Pascom
Session 1: Adherence Promotion in Sub-Saharan Africa
Moderator: Jane M. Simoni
278 – Cash versus Food Assistance to Improve Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy among HIV-infected Adults in Tanzania: A Randomized Trial
Sandra McCoy
306 – The Shikamana Intervention to Promote Adherence among Kenyan Gay, Bisexual, and Other Men Who Have Sex with Men (GBMSM): A Pilot Randomized Trial
Susan Graham
201 – Same-Day Home-Based ART Start in Lesotho: Lessons from the Field
Tracy Glass
166 – Monitoring delays in adopting WHO HIV treatment guidelines in low- and middle-income countries
Somya Gupta
Session 2: Predictors of PrEP Adherence
Moderator: Jean-Jacques Parienti
111 – Associations Between Urine Tenofovir Levels, Pharmacy Measures, and Self-Report for HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Adherence Monitoring
Helen Koenig
161 – Associations Between Research Staff-Participant Interactions and HIV PrEP Adherence in HPTN 067
Victoria Ojeda
282 – Determining the Roles that Illicit Drugs, Marijuana, and Heavy Drinking Play in PrEP Medication Adherence among Gay and Bisexual Men: Implications for Treatment
Christian Grov
296 – PrEP in the Real World: Predictors of 6-Month Retention in a Diverse Urban Cohort
Alexander Lankowski
Session 3: eHealth and Technology to Optimize Engagement in Care
Moderator: Thomas Giordano
174 – Use of a mHealth Intervention to Improve HIV Treatment and Engagement in HIV Care among Recently Incarcerated Persons in Washington, DC
Irene Kuo
244 – WhatsApp as a Tool to Support Recently Diagnosed Gay Men with HIV in Peru: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Luis Menacho
173 – Positive Links: A Mobile Health Intervention for Retention in HIV Care and Clinical Outcomes with 12 Months’ Follow-up
Rebecca Dillingham
276 – Effectiveness of a Cell Phone Counseling Intervention on PMTCT Retention, Adherence to Treatment, and Uptake of Early Infant Diagnosis and Pregnancy Related Services in Kisumu, Kenya: A Randomized Controlled Study
Sam Kalibala
Session 4: Unpacking the 90s
Moderator: Benjamin Young
247 – Time to Undetectable Viral Load after Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy Initiation among Adults and Adolescents with HIV: Real World Evidence
Marisol Valenzuela-Lara
169 – Global Status Report of HIV Care Continua and the 90-90-90 Target
Reuben Granich
199 – Continuum of Care in Patients with Unsuppressed Viral Load: Data from Rural Southern Africa - Are We Doing Enough for Children?
Tracy Glass
272 – Behind the HIV Care Continuum: Longitudinal HIV Care Trajectories in North Carolina
Kimberly Powers
Session 1: Adherence Measurement and Patterns
Moderator: Catherine Orrell
252 – Adherence Trajectories Among African Americans Living with HIV
Laura Bogart
281 – Alternative Facts: Adherence to an Electronic Monitoring Device (Wisepill) Does Not Always Reflect Adherence to Medication
Nadia Nguyen
315 – Preliminary Validation of Unannounced Telephone Pill Count Adherence Data from Perinatally HIV-infected Adolescents and Young Adults
Amelia Bucek
298 – Bioavailability of Co-Encapsulated Antiretrovirals with Ingestible Sensor for Measuring Adherence
Honghu Liu
154 – Changing Trends in ART Prescription, Durability and Modification
Ellen Eaton
Session 2: Preference and Acceptance of PrEP
Moderator: Steven Safren
182 – Preferences for and Concerns about Using Long-Acting Injectable Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis among Gay and Bisexual Men
Steven John
227 – Who opts for Daily versus On-Demand Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis?
Zoë Greenwald
269 – We Need This: PrEP Awareness and Acceptability among Women Involved in the Criminal Justice System
Emily Dauria
270 – HIV Prevention Continuum among MSM in New York City (NYC), Spring 2016
Zoe Edelstein
Session 3: Wellbeing and HIV Stigma
Moderator: Dázon Dixon Diallo
117 – Relationship between Mental Health and Retention in HIV Primary Care: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Cherie Rooks-Peck
131 – The Impact of Internalized HIV Stigma on Retention in HIV Care
Drenna Waldrop-Valverde
179 – Association between Internalized HIV Stigma and Visit Adherence: Downstream Effects on Antiretroviral Therapy Adherence
Whitney Rice
262 – Intersecting Stigmas Impact Retention In Care And Medication Adherence among Drug-Involved PLWH
Kristi Stringer
Session 4: Location, Location, Location
Moderator: Patrick Sullivan
142 – Contribution of Engagement in HIV Care on Disparities in Viral Load Suppression among Latinos, Florida, 2015
Kristopher Fennie
185 – Geographic Variability in Time from HIV Diagnosis to Viral Suppression in Alabama
David Batey
255 – Patient Perceptions of Socio-Environmental Barriers to HIV Care in the US South Through a Geospatial Lens: A Qualitative Analysis
Neela Goswami
127 – Role of HIV Testing Site Type in Timely Linkage to HIV Care, Florida 2014–2015
Mary Jo Trepka
PLENARY ADDRESS: Same-Day Antiretroviral Therapy Initiation - How Do We Get There and Should We Go There?
Thomas Giordano
PANEL DISCUSSION: What is the Future of Adherence in the Era of Potent Antiretroviral Therapy?
Moderator: Jane Simoni Presentation
Panelists: Heidi Crane Presentation
Steven Safren Presentation
Ira Wilson Presentation
PANEL DISCUSSION: Improving Retention in Care: What Do We Know and What Can We Do Now?
Moderator: Lisa Metsch
Panelists: Lytt Gardner Presentation
Tetiana Kiriazova Presentation
Catherine Maulsby Presentation
Catherine Orrell Presentation
TUESDAY, June 6, 2017
BREAKFAST WORKSHOP 2: Interprofessional Team-Based Approaches to Focusing on the Consumers of HIV Care
Benjamin Young
MARIO S. COOPER MEMORIAL COLLOQUIUM: Scaling Up PrEP Uptake - Strategies to Engage with Affected Communities
Dázon Dixon Diallo Presentation
Midnight Poonkasetwattana Presentation
PLENARY ADDRESS: PrEP 2.0 - Where Are We, Where Are We Heading, and Where Should We Be Heading?
Robert Grant
DEBATE SESSION: Intermittent PrEP - Debating the Pros and Cons of Less Than Daily PrEP
Moderator: Jean-Jacques Parienti
Debaters: Laurent Cotte Presentation
Jessica Haberer Presentation
385LB – Antiretroviral Adherence over Six Months Following Prison Release in a Randomized Trial of the imPACT Intervention to Maintain Suppression of HIV Viremia
Bethany DiPrete
380LB – The Uganda WiseMama Study: A Randomized Controlled Trial Assessing Real-Time Feedback to Improve Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy among HIV-positive Pregnant and Postpartum Women
Lisa Messersmith
401LB – Long-Term Viral Suppression in Masivukeni: A Multimedia ART Initiation and Adherence Intervention for Resource-Limited Settings
Robert Remien
375LB – A Randomized Controlled Trial of A Text Messaging Intervention to Promote Retention in Care and Virologic Suppression in an Urban Safety-Net HIV Clinic: The Connect4Care (C4C) Trial
Katerina Christopoulos
Session 1: Correlates and interventions to Optimize Adherence
Moderator: Robert Remien
158 – Association between Discrimination in Healthcare Settings and HIV Medication Adherence: Mediating Psychosocial Mechanisms
Bulent Turan
200 – Social Norms Messaging to Improve Antiretroviral Adherence among Youth in Uganda
Sebastian Linnemayr
198 – Durable Viral Suppression among HIV Care Coordination Participants and Non-participants
McKaylee Robertson
359 – “No estás Solo” (You are Not Alone): Culturally-tailored Interventions to Support HIV Medication Adherence among Clients of Mexican and Puerto Rican Origin
Janet Myers
Session 2: Cutting Edge and Interventions to Promote PrEP Adherence
Moderator: Robert Grant
151 – Text Message Response Predicts Tenofovir Levels in MSM taking PrEP
Jill Blumenthal
115 – Adherence and Risk for Incident Sexually Transmitted Infection among Methamphetamine using Men who have Sex with Men on HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis
Martin Hoenigl
303 – Reducing Race and Age Disparities in PrEP: Lessons from the SPARK Demonstration Project
Sarit Golub
225 – HIV Seroconversion after Exposure to nPEP vs PrEP at a San Francisco STD Clinic
Kelly Johnson
Session 3: Interventions to Optimize Linkage and Engagement
Moderator:Reuben Granich
145 – Does an Adherence-Enhancing Program Increase Retention in Care in the Swiss HIV Cohort? - Updated Results
Susan Kamal
277 – HIV+ Participants in the Mobile Outreach and Retention (MORE) Program in Washington, DC with Co-Morbid Mental Health and/or Substance Abuse Diagnoses are Significantly Less Likely to Achieve Viral Suppression Despite Comprehensive Support Services
Megan Dieterich
318 – Linkage to care and initiating ART after Diagnosis with Acute or Established HIV Infection in 6 US Emergency Departments
Thomas Giordano
Session 4: MASH UP Adolescents, Suppression, and Interventions
Moderator: Jessica Haberer
214 – Knowledge, ARV adherence, and Attitudes of HIV-positive Adolescents at Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital, Kumasi, Ghana
Alexa Choy
337 – Health Department/HIV Clinic Collaboration Improves Re-engagement in Out of Care Persons
Makeda Carroll
285 – PROACTive Linkage, Retention, Re-engagement, and Adherence Program in Broward County, Florida
Yvette Gonzalez
Michael Stirratt
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