Adherence 2018 is sponsored by the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care (IAPAC). The conference’s Co-Chairs are Catherine Orrell, PhD, MBChB, MMed, MSc (Desmond Tutu HIV Centre, Cape Town, South Africa) and Robert H. Remien, PhD (Columbia University New York, NY, USA). The conference Track Chairs are Thomas P. Giordano, MD, MPH (Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA); Jean-Jacques Parienti, MD, PhD (Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Caen, Caen, France); and Jane M. Simoni, PhD (University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA).
Following are conference presentations. The conference organizers request that any use of these presentations should include citations to both their presenting authors and relevant conference information (e.g., 13th International Conference on HIV Treatment and Prevention Adherence, June 8-10, 2018, Miami).
Adherence 2018 is made possible through educational grants from Gilead Sciences, Janssen Therapeutics, and Merck & Co., as well as sponsorship support from ViiV Healthcare.
FRIDAY, June 8, 2018
PRE-CONFERENCE 1: Violence and the HIV Care Continuum
Moderators: Theresa Senn
Kathleen Sikkema
Panelists: Abigail Hatcher
Suzanne Maman
Rob Stephenson
PRE-CONFERENCE 2: Improving HIV Care Outcomes and Reducing Transmission: Using Data to Target Public Health Interventions
Moderator: Irene Hall
Panelists: Bertrand Audoin
Nanette Benbow
JD Smith
Paul J. Weidle
PRE-CONFERENCE 3: Reducing Intersectional Stigma to Improve the HIV Prevention Continuum
Moderators: Gregory Greenwood
Jonathon Rendina
Janet Turan
Panelists: Stefan Baral
Lisa Bowleg
Lisa Eaton
Latesha Elopre
Nelson Varas-Diaz
PRE-CONFERENCE 4: Accelerating Urban AIDS Responses: A Mid-Term Review of the Fast-Track Cities Initiative
Moderator: José M. Zuniga
Panelists: Nneka Nwokolo
Sindhu Ravishankar
Stacey Wilking
Edwina Wright
KEYNOTE ADDRESS: HIV Epidemic Control - Achieving an Epidemiological Threshold
Salim S. Abdool Karim
PLENARY ADDRESS: Long-Awaited, Long-Acting Antiretrovirals for Treatment: Where are We Now and Where are We Headed?
Roy M. Gulick
PANEL DISCUSSION: Examining the Relevance of Adherence in the Era of Long-Acting Antiretrovirals
Moderator: Jane Simoni
Panelists: Susan Graham • Presentation
Aadia Rana • Presentation
Ira Wilson
PANEL DISCUSSION: Innovative Measures of Adherence: New Thinking, New Approaches
Moderator: Jessica Haberer • Presentation
Panelists: Sara Browne • Presentation
José Castillo-Mancilla • Presentation
Monica Gandhi • Presentation
15 – Enhancing Medication Adherence, Knowledge, and Social Support Among Youth Living with HIV using an iPhone Game
Laura Whiteley
23 – Current US Guidelines for Prescribing HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Disqualify Many At-Risk and PrEP-Motivated Women
Sarah Calabrese
155 – Predictive Analytics for Retention in HIV Care
Jessica Ridgway
SATURDAY, June 9, 2018
BREAKFAST SESSION: Success Stories from the Southern U.S.: Linking Patients to Care in HRSA’s Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program
Moderator: Letha Healey • Presentation
Panelists: Ali Mansaray • Presentation
Jeffery Vollman • Presentation
GARY S. REITER, MD, AND ANDREW KAPLAN, MD, MEMORIAL LECTURE: Lifetime Adherence - The Role of the Provider in Maximizing the Odds of HIV Treatment Success
Gerald Friedland
PLENARY ADDRESS: Decreasing Population-Level HIV Incidence - The Role of Multifaceted HIV Prevention
Kenneth Mayer
PANEL DISCUSSION: Metrics of Success - How to Measure Adherence to PrEP and Intermittent PrEP
Moderator: Jean-Jacques Parienti
Panelists: K. Rivet Amico • Presentation
Peter Anderson • Presentation
Helen Koenig • Presentation
Luis Sagaon-Teyssier
Track 1: Novel Adherence Monitoring Methods
Moderator: Lawrence Mbuagbaw
17 – Urine Testing Detects Tenofovir in HIV Patients on Tenofovir Alafenamide-Based Treatment
Helen Koenig
87 – TDevelopment of a Point-of-Care Immunoassay for Quantitating Tenofovir in Urine as a Real-Time Metric of PrEP Adherence
Monica Gandhi
115 – HIV Treatment Interruptions are Associated with Heightened Systemic Inflammation, Despite Viral Suppression
Nicholas Musinguzi
169 – Tenofovir/Emtricitabine Bioequivalence Following Ingestible Sensor Co-Encapsulation
Mustafa Ibrahim
Track 2: Provider Education/Opinions
Moderator: Jean-Jacques Parienti
39 – Impact of a Brief PrEP Training for Family Planning Providers on their HIV Prevention Counseling
Jessica Sales
118 – An Online Survey of HIV Testing and Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Attitudes and Practice Habits among Physicians at an Academic Medical Center
Jason Zucker
160 – DPotential Implications of HIV-Risk Perception, HIV Testing, and PrEP Knowledge for PrEP Service Delivery in Central Uganda
Timothy Muwonge
168 – Biomedical Prevention Integrated into Routine Care via Rapid HIV Testing
Joseph Olsen
Track 3: Continuum Outcomes/ Monitoring
Moderator: Michael Mugavero
24 – Virologic Rebound among Persons Receiving HIV Medical Care in the United States: Results from the Medical Monitoring Project, 2014
Margaret Nyaku
75 – Retention on Treatment Among Patients Transferring between ART Services in Nigeria
Juliet Adeola
83 – Longitudinal Engagement Trajectories and Risk of Death Among New ART Starters in Zambia
Aaloke Mody
200 – Addressing Regional Challenges and Priorities in the European HIV Response: An Exchange Amongst European Fast-Track City Stakeholders
Bertrand Audoin
Track 1: Adherence in Youth and Children
Moderator: Millicent Atujuna
48 – HIV Prevention Coverage in an Urban Underserved Hospital Center in New York City
Robert Pitts
86 – Electronic Drug Monitoring of Infant Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy Prophylaxis
Rachael Bonawitz
125 – Younger Female Patients had the Highest Rate of Failure to Re-Start HIV Antiretroviral Therapy: An Analysis of 12 Years of US Medicaid Data
Tingting Zhang
146 – Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy in HIV-Infected Children in Kenya, South Africa, and Thailand
Rachel Vreeman
Track 2: MSM and Transgender Women
Moderator: Midnight Poonkasetwattana
135 – Factors Associated with Loss to Follow-Up (LTFU) among Black Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) and Transgender Women (TGW) in a Community-Based Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Study
Frieda Winterhalter
136 – Uneven Distribution of Bacterial Sexually Transmitted Infections Among Men Who Have Sex with Men on Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis
Jason Zucker
139 – Factors Associated with Pre- Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Adherence in Black Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) and Transgender Women (TGW) in a Community Setting in Harlem, NY
Paul Colson
158 – Where Should We Focus? PrEP Retention versus PrEP Uptake: Results from the BARS Agent- Based Network Model of HIV Transmission Among Young Black MSM
Aditya Khanna
Track 3: New Programs to Improve the Continuum in the Young and Old
Moderator: Ank Nijhawan
20 – Public-Private Collaboration to Re-Engage Out-of-Care Persons into HIV Care
Chi-Chi Udeagu
52 – Integrating Routine, Opt-Out HIV Testing in a North Carolina Academic Tertiary Center’s Emergency
Nada Fadul
65 – A Multi-Year, Multidisciplinary Quality Improvement Approach to Improve HIV Treatment Adherence
Diane Campbell
Track 1: Mental Health: Impact on Adherence
Moderator: Jane Simoni
36 – Engagement in Mental Health Care is Associated with Higher Cumulative Drug Exposure to Antiretroviral Therapy
Ryan Coyle
162 – Examining Pathways Between Intersectional Stigma, Depression and HIV Care Cascade Outcomes Among Women Living with HIV in Canada
Carmen Logie
205 – Exploring Day-Level Links between Substance Use and Medication Non-Adherence in Older Adults Living with HIV
Brett Millar
209 – HIV Stigma, ART Non-Adherence, and HIV-Associated Complications Among New ART Initiators in Cape Town, South Africa
Andrea Norcini Pala
Track 2: MSM and Transgender Women (continued)
Moderator: Bruno Spire
185 – Leveraging Peer Outreach Workers to Increase PrEP Access Among Cisgender and Transgender Women who Engage in Exchange Sex or Inject Drugs
Joey Platt
188 – Peer Support Is Essential for HIV Testing and PrEP Awareness among Young Black Men Who Have Sex with Men
Corina Lelutiu-Weinberger
196 – PrEP Adherence among MSM: Lower Rates among Men of Color, Younger Men, and Those Who use Drugs
Jonathon Rendina
204 – Young Adult Black MSM Perceive Less Stigma with PrEP Care in Pharmacies
Rupa Patel
Track 3: New Programs to Improve the Continuum in the Young and Old (continued)
Moderator: Thomas Giordano
79 – Socio-Economic Empowerment Loans Enhance Retention in Care Among HIV-Positive Persons Receiving Antiretroviral Therapy in Uganda
Kate Ssamula
103 – HIV Care Cascade Before and After Hospitalization in a Safety Net Hospital: Impact of a Multidisciplinary Inpatient Intervention
Ank Nijhawan
190 – Ready, Set, Go: ART within 72-Hours at a Ryan White- Funded FQHC in New Orleans
Jason Halperin
PLENARY ADDRESS: Behavioral Economics: Harnessing the Science to Improve the HIV Care Continuum
Sebastian Linnemayr
PANEL DISCUSSION: Addressing the Most Vulnerable Populations: Who is Left Behind in Global 90-90-90 Efforts?
Moderator: Thomas P. Giordano
Panelists: Erika Castellanos
Kenly Sikwese
Phill Wilson
THEMATIC PANELS: Action to Implementation and Impact
Strategies for Rolling Out eHealth and mHealth on a Larger Scale
Moderator: Catherine Orrell
Panelists: Lawrence Mbuagbaw
Lisa Hightow-Weidman
Patrick Sullivan
PrEP Implementation from Diverse Settings
Moderator: Jessica Haberer
Panelists: Andrew Mujugira
Rupa Patel
Midnight Poonkasetwattana
Bruno Spire
Linkage and Retention in Care for Vulnerable Populations
Moderator: Ingrid Bassett
Panelists: Millicent Atujuna
Ingrid Katz
Lisa Metsch
Michael Mugavero
SUNDAY, June 10, 2018
BREAKFAST SESSION: Ethics for Electronic Adherence Monitoring: Is What We Do Ethical?
Jessica Haberer
Harald Schmidt
MARIO S. COOPER MEMORIAL COLLOQUIUM: U(ndetectable) = U(ntransmittable): A Transformational Message Providing Hope and Reducing HIV Stigma
Bruce Richman
Lucy Wanjiku NjengaPresentation
PLENARY ADDRESS: PrEP 2.0 - Where Are We, Where Are We Heading, and Where Should We Be Heading?
Robert Grant
PANEL DISCUSSION: HIV Epidemic Control - Multistakeholder Perspectives on the Journey Beyond 90-90-90
Moderator: José M. Zuniga
Panelists: Salim S. Abdool Karim
Ambassador Deborah L. Birx
Dázon Dixon Diallo
Mark Nelson
Track 1: Successful Adherence Interventions
Moderator: Susan Graham
35 – Hope for the Future: Income Generation as a Bridge to Build Adherence in HIV-Positive Rwandan Youth
Marie-Josee Maliboli
128 – Physicians and Practices Account for Significant Variation in Antiretroviral Therapy Adherence
David Meyers
192 – Healthy Food Support Improved Food Security, Depressive Symptoms, and Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy in a Resource-Rich Setting: The Changing Health through Food Support Randomized Trial
Kartika Palar
Track 2: Women and Partners
Moderator: K. Rivet Amico
49 – Couples Intervention Improves Adherence to HIV Prevention among Pregnant Women and Male Partners in Kenya
Abigail Hatcher
61 – Disseminating Evidence-based Approaches in a High-Risk US-Mexico Border Community for Pragmatic HIV Prevention in Minority Women
Thenral Mangadu
171 – Relationship Dynamics and Partner Support are Associated with ART Adherence Among Married Couples from Malawi
Amy Conroy
173 – The Implications of Race and Medical Mistrust for Women’s Comfort Discussing PrEP with a Healthcare Provider
Mehrit Tekeste
Track 3: Vulnerable Populations – How are They Doing?
Moderator: Lisa Metsch
56 – Association of Increased Chronicity of Depression with HIV Appointment Attendance, Treatment Failure, and Mortality Among HIV-Infected Adults in the United States
Brian Pence
121 – The Association of Antenatal Depressive Symptoms with Postpartum Viral Suppression and Engagement in Option B+ HIV Care in Malawi
Bryna Harrington
176 – Food Insecurity: Its Impact on Mental Health Among HIVInfected and Uninfected Women
Emily Tuthill
208 – Medical and Support Service Need Characteristics of HIV-Positive Transgender Women Enrolled in the Los Angeles County (LAC) Medical Care Coordination Program (2013-2016))
Sona Oksuzyan
221 – Among Black Women Living with HIV in the US Gendered-racial Microaggressions Relates to Lower Medication Adherence
Sannisha Dale
223 – U=U – A De-Stigmatizing Message Inconsistently Communicated by Clinicians to PLHIV
José M. Zuniga
224 – Less is more: The Impact of Lower Pill Burden on Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy Among Treatment Naive Patients with HIV Infection in the United States
Apurba Chakraborty
246 – Gap between HIV Diagnosis and Prescribed ART among 11,450 PLWHIV Aged >65: A Nationwide Population-Based Study in France
Ludivine Demessine
Presenters: Sannisha Dale
Bich Dang
Kenneth Ngure
Michael Stirratt
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