How Integrase Inhibitors Work
OVERVIEW HIV attacks cells within the body’s immune system. To spread, the virus needs to enter these cells and make copies of itself. The copies are then released from these cells and infect other cells. Treatment with integrase inhibitors is one way to help stop… Read More
raltegravir (Isentress, Isentress HD)
WHAT IS RALTEGRAVIR? Raltegravir, also known as raltegravir potassium and RAL (brand name Isentress, Isentress HD), is a drug used as part of antiretroviral therapy (ART). The FDA approved raltegravir in 2007 as an antiretroviral drug (ARV) for people with HIV infection. Raltegravir is manufactured… Read More
dolutegravir (Tivicay, Tivicay PD)
WHAT IS DOLUTEGRAVIR? Dolutegravir, also known as dolutegravir sodium and DTG (brand name Tivicay, Tivicay PD), is a drug used as part of antiretroviral therapy (ART). The FDA approved dolutegravir in 2013 as an antiretroviral drug (ARV) for people with HIV infection. Dolutegravir is manufactured… Read More
elvitegravir (Vitekta)
WHAT IS ELVITEGRAVIR? Elvitegravir (brand name Vitekta) is a drug used as part of antiretroviral therapy (ART). The FDA approved elvitegravir in 2012 as an antiretroviral drug (ARV) for people with HIV infection. Elvitegravir is manufactured by Gilead Sciences. Elvitegravir was sold from 2014 to… Read More
cabotegravir (Vocabria)
WHAT IS CABOTEGRAVIR? Cabotegravir, also known as cabotegravir sodium or CAB (brand name Vocabria), is a drug used as part of antiretroviral therapy (ART). The FDA approved cabotegravir in 2021 as an antiretroviral drug (ARV) for people with HIV infection. Cabotegravir is manufactured by ViiV… Read More