Controlling the HIV Pandemic with Antiretrovirals: Treatment as Prevention and Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis

June 11-12, 2012 • Royal Garden Hotel, London

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The concepts of antiretroviral-based treatment as prevention (TasP) and pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) gained formidable ground in 2011, both cited in numerous 2011 Top 10 lists of clinical developments in HIV medicine. In addition, PrEP has recently been a topic of heated debate as regulatory bodies – most notably the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) – entertain approving expanded indications for existing antiretroviral drugs for HIV prevention. However, there is much to learn about and plan for as we prepare for their potential integration into clinical practice. In addition, there are numerous challenges facing a variety of stakeholders as we seek to achieve the impact these biomedical prevention interventions promise in the third decade of the HIV pandemic.

The International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care (IAPAC), in partnership with the British HIV Association (BHIVA), hosted a two-day Controlling the HIV Epidemic with Antiretrovirals summit with a goal of providing a venue for the presentation of data related to and discussion about the practical aspects of TasP and PrEP implementation in a variety of clinical settings. Audience response system-facilitated sessions throughout the summit attempted to identify consensus points (or the lack thereof) around TasP and PrEP implementation, which are featured in a Consensus Statement released at the XIX International AIDS Conference in Washington, DC, USA.

Following are the presentations delivered at the evidence summit. The conference organizers request that any use of these presentations should include citations to both their presenting authors and relevant summit information (e.g., Controlling the HIV Pandemic with Antiretrovirals: Treatment as Prevention and Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis, June 11-12, 2012, London).


MONDAY, June 11, 2012

KEYNOTE ADDRESS – Combination Prevention – Public Health and Human Rights Imperatives
Gottfried Hirnschall, MD

PANEL 1 – Review of Current TasP Studies
Moderator: Papa Salif Sow, MD
Sarah J. Fidler, MBBS, PhD
Victor De Gruttola, ScD
Timothy Hallett, PhD

PLENARY 1 – Perspectives from the Vancouver TasP Workshop
Julio Montaner, MD

PANEL 2 – Facilitating Access to TasP from Bench to Clinic
Moderator: Mauro Schechter, MD
Ron d’Amico, DO, MSc
John Pottage, MD
James Rooney, MD
Paul Schaper, MPH

PLENARY 2 – TasP – Individual versus Public Health Benefit versus Both
Kevin Fisher, JD, MSc

PLENARY 3 – Health System Concerns Related to TasP and MARPs
Valerie Delpech, MD, MPH

PANEL 3 – Implementing TasP – Addressing Clinical and Other Concerns
Moderator: Bertrand Audoin
Gus Cairns, MA
Robert Carroll, RN, ACRN
Ceri Evans
Jorge Saavedra, MD
Ian Williams, MD

PLENARY 4 – Treatment 2.0 as a Catalyst for TasP through Drug/Treatment Optimization
Stefano Vella, MD

PLENARY 5 – Ethical Standards vis-à-vis Prevention in Biomedical Prevention Trials
Richard Ashcroft, PhD

PANEL 4 – Implementing Universal TasP – Wishful Thinking?
Moderator: Nikos Dedes
Eric Fleutelot
Helen Rees, MD


TUESDAY, June 12, 2012

PLENARY 6 – PrEP – Current Global Themes and Future Directions
Kenneth Mayer, MD

PLENARY 7 – Antiretroviral Pharmacology for PrEP
Craig Hendrix, MD

PANEL 5 – Review of Current PrEP Studies
Moderator: Carmen Zorrilla, MD
Benjamin B. Brown
Roy M. Gulick, MD
Sheena McCormack, MSc
Ian McGowan, MD, PhD
Helen Rees, MD
Bruno Spire, MD, PhD

PANEL 6 – Facilitating Access to PrEP from Bench to Clinic
Moderator: Chris Duncombe, MD, PhD
Ron d’Amico, DO, MSc
Manuel Goncalves, MD
James Rooney, MD
Paul Schaper, MPH

PLENARY 8 – Behavior and PrEP – Behavioral Threats to PrEP Success
K. Rivet Amico, PhD

PLENARY 9 – Managing PrEP-Related Safety Concerns
Veronica Miller, PhD

PLENARY 10 – Cost-Benefit Analysis of Universal versus Selective PrEP
Bruce Schackman, PhD

PANEL 7 – Community, Provider, Operational, and Regulatory Perspectives on PrEP Implementation
Moderator: Yuzef Azad, MD
Claire Foreman
Michael Horberg, MD, MAS
Benjamin Young, MD, PhD
Jim Pickett

PLENARY 11 – IAPAC Adherence Guidelines – Addressing the Achilles’ Heel of TasP and PrEP
Jean B. Nachega, MD, PhD

PLENARY 12 – Implementation Science – Building the Prevention 2.0 Ship As We Sail Her
Kevin Fenton, MD, PhD

PLENARY 13 – Combination Prevention – Seizing the Moment to Curb a Pandemic
José M. Zuniga, PhD, MPH


Summit Program and Consensus Statement
Click the image below to download the Program or Consensus Statement in PDF format.

TasP PreP 2012 Summit Program     TasP PreP 2012 Summit Program

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