2017 90-90-90 Targets Workshop

July 22-23, 2017
Palais des Congrès de Paris, 2 Place de La Porte Maillot, 75017 Paris

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The International Association of Providers of AIDS Care (IAPAC) and UNAIDS, in partnership with the Global Network of People Living with HIV (GNP+) and the International AIDS Society (IAS), are hosting the 2017 90-90-90 Targets Workshop at the midpoint to the 2020 deadline for attaining the targets.

Following are workshop presentations. The workshop organizers request that any use of these presentations should include citations to both their presenting authors and relevant conference information (e.g., 2017 90-90-90 Targets Workshop, July 22-23, 2017, Paris).

The 2017 90-90-90 Targets Workshop is supported through sponsorships from Gilead Sciences and ViiV Healthcare, and institutional support from IAPAC and UNAIDS.



90-90-90 at the Midway Point to 2020: Successes, Challenges, and Opportunities

Michel Sidibé

Minister of Health and Global Health Leader Perspectives on 90-90-90 and Ending AIDS as a Public Health Threat
Moderators: Marc Angel
Jean-François Delfraissy

Ministers of Health: Hon. Dorcas K. Makgato, Botswana
Hon. Mam Bun Heng, Cambodia
Hon. Eric Ulloa, Panama
Hon. Molotsi Monyamane, Lesotho

Global Health Leaders: Amb. Deborah L. Birx
Michel Sidibé
Marijke Wijnroks

Global Report – 90-90-90 at the Midterm to 2020
Moderators: José M. Zuniga
François Dabis

AIDS by the Numbers: Where Do We Stand with 90-90-90?
Peter Ghys
Population-Based HIV Impact Assessments: Documenting PEPFAR and Global Fund Return on Investments
Amb. Deborah L. Birx
Country-Level Impact on the Fast-Track Milestones
Yogan Pillay
Accelerating Urban AIDS Responses to Attain 90-90-90
Deputy Mayor Bernard Jomier

“Game Changing” Innovations to Attain 90-90-90
Moderators: Gottfried Hirnschall
Owen Ryan

Democratizing HIV Testing and Linkage to Care
Diane Havlir
Same-Day ART: Avoiding the HIV Diagnosis-Treatment Gap
Thabo Lejone
Community Health Workers: Strengthening the Safety Net
Badara Samb

National and Urban Innovations to Attain 90-90-90
Moderators: Solange Baptiste
Stefano Vella

Adele Benzaken • Presentation
Owen Mugurungi • Presentation
Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire and Dakar, Senegal
Daouda Diouf • Presentation
London, England
Jane Anderson
New York, NY, USA
Denis Nash • Presentation


SUNDAY, JULY 23, 2017

Engaging with and Protecting Affected Communities to Reach the Three 90s and Achieve HIV Epidemic Control
Moderators: Chris Beyrer
Flavia Kyomukama

GIPA, MIPA, and the Denver Principles: Strengthening Community Involvement across the Global AIDS Response
Laurel Sprague
Advancing Reforms to Repeal Laws and Policies that Impede Equitable Access to HIV Services for All People
Kene Esom
Eliminating Stigma and Discrimination as Barriers to Accessing and Utilizing HIV Services
Gautam Yadav • Video

Lifecycle and Population-Specific Challenges and Solutions to Achieve HIV Epidemic Control
Moderators: Linda-Gail Bekker
Nikos Dedes

Children and Adolescents: Closing the Gaps
Juliet Houghton
HIV and Aging: New Frontier, New Challenges
Pedro Cahn
DREAMS: Addressing the Elevated Risk for HIV Infection among Young Women
Kawango Agot

Men and HIV: An Unexplored “Key Population” Frontier to Attain 90-90-90 and HIV Epidemic Control
Helen Ayles
MSM and 90-90-90: Overcoming Stigma, Discrimination, and Legal Barriers to HIV Service Access and Utilization
George Ayala
Using Nurse-Led, Home-Based HIV Care to Improve Adherence and Retention in Care among People Who Inject Drugs
Anna Deryabina

The Evolving HIV Treatment Landscape, 90-90-90, and Controlling the HIV Epidemic
Moderators: Polly Clayden
Benjamin Young

Evolving Paradigm: DTG, TAF, ARV Innovations, and HIV Epidemic Control
Francois Venter
Differentiated HIV Service Delivery for Families and Key Populations
Thokozani Kalua
90-90-90 Plus: How PrEP Implementation Can Help to Get to Zero
Kenneth Mayer
Beyond Antiretrovirals: Social/Behavioral Science for Attaining 90-90-90
K. Rivet Amico
Focusing the AIDS Response with Phylogenetics: The Vancouver Experience
Jeffrey Joy

Leveraging 90-90-90 to Advance Three Health-Related Sustainable Development Goals
Moderators: Lucy Chesire and Mark R. Nelson

Tuberculosis: Opportunities and Challenges for Achieving HIV Epidemic Control
Sahu Suvanand
Scaling Up Chronic Care Systems: Leveraging HIV Programs to Support Noncommunicable Disease Services
Gerald Yonga
HBV and HCV Elimination, 90-90-90, and Controlling the HIV Epidemic
Jeffrey Lazarus

Financing the Global AIDS Response in Uncertain Times
Moderators: Greg Millett
Matthew Kavanagh

Modeling the Impact and Economics of 90-90-90
Brian Williams
90-90-90 and the AIDS Response: Making the Investment Case to National Governments in Uncertain Times
David Ripin

Highlights from the 2017 90-90-90 Targets Workshop
Sharonann Lynch
Jorge Saavedra

CLOSING REMARKS – 90-90-90: No Progress without Action
José M. Zuniga



2017 Workshop Program
Click the image below to download the 2017 program book in PDF format.

Adherence Conference 2017 Program

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