UNAIDS launched its Global AIDS Update 2017 in Paris on July 20, 2017, entitled, “Ending AIDS: Progress Towards the 90-90-90 Targets.” The report includes case studies from many Fast-Track Cities in which IAPAC is engaged in HIV care continuum optimization. Click here to access the report, or click here to read the two pages from the report that cite the Fast-Track Cities initiative..
Discussion paper released at 29th African Union Summit: “2 Million African Community Health Workers”
At the July 3, 2017, opening of the 29th African Union Summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, UNAIDS and other partners, including IAPAC, released a discussion paper entitled, “2 Million African Community Health Workers.” The discussion paper links the community health worker movement to the African Union’s “Africa Health Strategy,” the “Catalytic Framework to End AIDS, TB and Eliminate Malaria by 2030,” and the potential economic dividend of addressing high youth unemployment throughout Africa. Click here to access the discussion paper.
New York City launches its Fast-Track Cities dashboard
New York City launched its Fast-Track Cities dashboard June 5, 2017, during a panel discussion at Adherence 2017. The web-based platform allows cities to report progress against the UNAIDS 90-90-90 and targets. Click here to read the launch press release, or here to access the New York City dashboard.
IAPAC mourns the passing of Mark A. Wainberg, PhD
IAPAC mourns the passing of Canadian HIV researcher, Mark A. Wainberg, PhD, who identified lamivudine (3TC) as effective against HIV, fought HIV denialism, advocated global scale-up of antiretroviral therapy, and promoted the right of HIV-vulnerable people to live free of social intolerance. Click here to read IAPAC’s statement.
IAPAC launches Recommendations for the Rapid Expansion of HIV Self-Testing in Fast-Track Cities
IAPAC launched Recommendations for the Rapid Expansion of HIV Self-Testing in Fast-Track Cities during a joint Brazilian National STI, HIV/AIDS & Viral Hepatitis Program – IAPAC meeting of that country’s cities held January 26, 2017, in Brasília. Developed in collaboration with ASLM, the recommendations promote interventions to break down barriers to this testing technology and promote linkage to HIV care and prevention. Click here to access the recommendations.
IAPAC recognizes 150 individuals at 30th anniversary commemoration
IAPAC recognized 150 individuals, 12 posthumously, who have influenced its mission, vision, and programs over the association’s three-decade history. The “IAPAC 150” were announced at IAPAC’s 30th anniversary commemoration, held October 13, 2016, in Geneva. The “IAPAC 150” are a diverse group of global health leaders, clinicians and researchers, public health specialists, and people living with HIV/AIDS and their advocates from within affected communities. Click here to read the “IAPAC 150” announcement press release.
IAPAC’s President/CEO commemorates 19th anniversary in an interview with Future Virology
IAPAC’s President/CEO commemorates his 19th anniversary with the association in an interview with Future Virology that touches on the need for decisive targets, ending AIDS as a public health threat, and Fast-Track Cities. Click here to read the interview.
IAPAC launches Fast-Track Cities global web portal
IAPAC launched the Fast-Track Cities global web portal and five city dashboards – Amsterdam, Denver, Kyiv, Paris, and San Francisco – at AIDS 2016 in Durban, South Africa. The web-based monitoring and evaluation platforms allow participating cities to monitor and report progress against 90-90-90 and zero stigma and discrimination targets. Click here to read the launch press release, or here to access the web portal and city dashboards. You may also click here to access an animated video that navigates through the web portal and a city dashboard, highlighting the wealth of data and information that are mapped and visualized.
30 Mayors from Fast-Track Cities meet in New York City
More than 30 Mayors from Fast-Track Cities around the world met June 6, 2016, in New York City to review progress and discuss next steps in attaining the UN 90-90-90 and zero discrimination targets. IAPAC previewed four Fast-Track Cities dashboards at the meeting – Amsterdam, Denver, Paris, and San Francisco. Click here to view the Cities Ending the AIDS Epidemic report released at the meeting.
IAPAC and ViiV Healthcare announce collaboration to assist 16 Fast-Track Cities
IAPAC and ViiV Healthcare announced a collaboration to assist 16 Fast-Track Cities around the world with generating and reporting their HIV care continua data as they advance efforts locally to attain the UNAIDS 90-90-90 targets by 2020. Click here to view the May 30, 2016, press releaseor here to access an infographic regarding the collaboration.
IAPAC and Global Commission on Drug Policy release editorial on eve of 2016 UN Genaral Assembly Special Session on the World Drug Problem
An editorial authored by IAPAC and Global Commission on Drug Policy representatives and released on the eve of the 2016 UN General Assembly Special Session on the World Drug Problem calls for UN member-states to take into account the heavy toll people who use drugs and those living with HIV pay due to discriminatory drug policies as they deliberate April 19-21, 2016. Click here to access a pre-print of the editorial.
IAPAC and the Prevention Access Campaign
IAPAC and the Prevention Access Campaign announced a partnership on October 19, 2017, to educate clinicians and allied health professionals about the Undetectable=Untransmittable (U=U) message. The partnership’s objective is to destigmatize HIV by promoting the scientific evidence that people living with HIV who are on antiretroviral therapy and have an undetectable viral load are incapable of transmitting HIV to their sexual partners. Click here to view the partnership announcement press release.
IAPAC releases analysis of HIV care and treatment spending in 38 countries
An IAPAC-led research team analyzed spending on HIV care and treatment in 38 high HIV burden low- and middle-income countries; the results of their study were released on World AIDS Day 2015 (December 1, 2015) in advance of their January/February 2016 publication in JIAPAC. Click here to access the JIAPAC paper or here to access an IAPAC press release regarding the study’s results.